Milwaukee County Acceptable Use Policy




Inappropriate Activity:


Data and Physical Security:

Portable or Mobile Hardware:

Email and Texting, Instant Messaging, Social Media and Internet


Email and Texting

Instant Messaging

Internet and Intranet

Business Internet Access

Social Media or Networking Sites

Incidental Personal Use

Prohibited Uses

In addition to prohibited activity set out elsewhere, the following are also expressly prohibited:

Users or any other County employees are required to report violations, or suspected violations of the Acceptable Use directives. Violations may expose the County to a host of legal and information security risks. Activities that should immediately be reported to a supervisor include, but are not limited to:

Reported violations will be investigated. Failure to adhere to this reporting policy may result in discipline, up to and including discharge.

Users or employees who, in good faith, report violations or suspected violations will be protected from retaliation. However, Users or employees who falsely accuse another of violations without a good faith basis for such accusation are also subject to discipline, up to and including discharge.